

Lessons from Chava - How to Live A Successful Jewish Life
How Humans Are Wired + Rejection of the Nachash
The Crouching Sin - what sin plagues the Jewish people in this generation?
Cain's Shidduch Crisis
Different Meanings of "Tzohar"
120 Years For Teshuvah (and no more!)
"Noach's Waters"??
Colors of the Rainbow
Canaan Son of Cham
Disperson of bavel - Rabbi Mordechai Breuer
Getting the Hint to Grow our Nation - With Tefillah (an added conclusion to an older idea)
Being Courteous and Respectful - A Motto for Life (addresses disappearance of הנפש אשר עשו בחרן)
"Now I Know"...? Where have you been?
Avraham in Canaan and Egypt - with LOTs of Questions = what was Nephew Lot's role in all of this?
Lot's Tarnished Legacy - And How to Avoid It
Righteousness, Justice of a People and Their Land - The Biblical historical claims on land in the region of Israel
Age of Yitzchak at the Akedah
Akedah Redux - Always looking anew, trying to understand this incomprehensible story
Don't Read the Akedah in a Vacuum

Chayei Sarah:
Sarah's Death and How They View Dead Jews
Establishing a Rebirth in the Land - On Visiting Chevron and taking a stand
What Triggers the Best of Choices - a study in making important decisions for oneself
Moving Past Hatred
Jealousy... of What? - Musings about Jew-hatred, an age-old conundrum
This Land is NOT Your Land, This Land is My Land - why EVERYONE was a stranger in Gerar
Beer ShEva or Beer ShAva
Diplomacy and Cold Peace is Better than Open Hatred
Well, You Never Know - on ALL the uncertainties life presents us
Good Parenting Job? Not so easy...
How Tensions Resolve Themselves
Who Said "HaKol Kol Yaakov"
The "Stolen" Blessings
Veterans Day 2018 sermon - How Tensions Ease - 3 Ingredients to Finding Peace

Does he have Peace? "Peace..." - the simplest way to get along with someone you find disagreeable
Meet Leah, The Hated Wife
The Tragedy of Leah Imeinu Being Barren and Unwanted
Yaakov and Lavan - Son-in-Law and Father-in-Law
Not Responsible for "Lies"
A Non Trivial Pursuit - How Lavan Chased Yaakov (compared to Paroh)
When We Name Our Children - Boys and Girls
"I Shall Give Thanks to Hashem" - Leah's naming of her children and Thanksgiving
Lavan's Children and Their Ages
Two Thefts, Exodus, and Survival
Lashon Hora - Some Dos and Don'ts (after leaving Yaakov, never speaks of Lavan in the negative)
When Enemies Make Real Peace - IDF Military Action to Gaza and the age-old Lavan v Yaakov fight
Shimon - Flawed Tribe (also for Vayishlach, Vayeshev, Miketz, Vaychi)
Thanksgiving of the Forefathers (sermon)
Yaakov's Thanksgiving Meals (shorter version of previous)

Of Faith (And Animals) - How Yaakov's Gift to Eisav may have demonstrated a lack of faith
Another View of Eisav's 400 Men (and why he never intended to attack Yaakov)
Fear of the Unknown - why Yaakov overhyped his encounter with Eisav
He Was Afraid - and it Distressed Him
Coming of Age Properly - parenting lessons from Yaakov Avinu
Shimon - Flawed Tribe (also for Vayetze, Vayeshev, Miketz, Vaychi)
Rachel's Death - Tragedy Beyond Words
A Tale of Two Women
Who is To Blame When People Die? - an Er and Onan Analysis
Yichud - Societal Problem with a Real-World Solution
Of Butler(s) and Baker(s)
Having a Role in Others' Dreams
Shimon - Flawed Tribe (also for Vayetze, Vayishlach, Miketz, Vaychi)
Filling the Emptiness with Inspiration
At First Sight - How did Pharaoh know Yosef's was the correct interpretation?
Yosef's Strategy - Family Not Dreams
When Things Are Beyond Our Control?
"Put the Money in Their Bags"
Shimon - Flawed Tribe (also for Vayetze, Vayishlach, Vayeshev, Vaychi)
Yosef's Relationship to Pharaoh
B'Terem - Drama of Immediacy - with wishes of good health for those in the second half of life
Binyamin Favored? Orchestrating What Is Right
What Yaakov Feared - the silent fear that plagues many Jewish parents
Bringing the Children Along - Raising children includes going against what they want
Interpreting Yosef's Putting His Hands on Yaakov's Eyes
Death - the Theme of Vayigash? - A sermon in the aftermath of the Newtown, CT school shooting of 12/2012
What's Up with Goshen?
Inside Scoop of God's Plans - what Yosef did not share with Paroh when he interpreted his dream
And Yaakov Didn't Believe Them (The Debate is Settled Lie) - a sermon

The Son and the Grandsons - Yaakov meets Ephraim and Menashe for the last time
The Box in Which Yosef Was Placed

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