About the Blog
Thank you so much for coming to my Torah and Judaism blog. The other pages (Books of the Torah and Holidays) are self explanatory, except for the "essays and Misc topics" page which is divided into several general categories (Parenting, Women, Bris Milah, Marriage, Humility, Valuing Differenes of Opinion, and "Miscellaneous" - which has smaller subsections on Community, Faith, Middos, Learning, Afterlife, and an Ode to Converts and those who have Returned to Observance).
Every update is listed in its proper section, and is easily accessible through the page links at the top of the blog.
Why "ARabbiWithoutACause"?
Because "RabbiWithoutACause" was taken.
And because being one who appreciates film I thought it was a clever title (and no, I don't look like James Dean).
And the blog is mostly apolitical (save for a very pro-Israel stance and a pro-independent-thinking stance which does not subscribe to party lines). The postings are designed to share ideas a rabbi should share - Torah thoughts, Jewish communal thoughts, and how to improve one's Jewish life following inspiration from Torah teachings.
For my schooling and rabbinic training, I studied in Yeshivat Har Etzion in Gush Etzion, Israel, and completed my rabbinic ordination and a Masters in Education at Yeshiva University in New York.
I have been a MOHEL since 1998. See my writings in my website/blog at mohelinsouthflorida.com. I've been blessed to serve more than a thousand families in this capacity. I wrote a weekly dvar Torah for the Jewish Star of New York from 2006-2020, and started posting them to this blog (arabbiwithoutacause) in 2009. Subsequent posts since March 2020 have been the weekly printed Dvar Torah written for the synagogue where I serve as Rabbi - Anshei Chesed of Boynton Beach (about which I've blogged here and here).
In addition, utilizing my rabbinic training and my drama training (B.S. in Speech and Drama from Yeshiva University, as well as being a Spielberg Fellow in Drama - which has led to my being drama director in several camps since 2001 (though now retired from camp), I have cultivated an awesome program which I call ParshaDrama - which I have presented as a show to schoolchildren, based on the weekly Torah portion. After a nine year run, I only perform through special arrangement, when hired to do so.
This has also translated to shows which I have created surrounding holidays, including my Yom Kippur show (featuring Avodas Yom HaKippurim), and the Purim Show - "Fat Like a Donut - the Story of Esther" which has been performed in front of hundreds of children to great fanfare!
I am available to come as a guest speaker, lecturer, shiur-giver, or ParshaDrama Rabbi - either to perform or to present a workshop for teachers as to how to bring drama into the Torah classroom.
Be in touch by email: avbillet@gmail.com or call my cell phone 516 850 9694
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