Friday, October 27, 2023

Lekh Lekha: Getting the Hint to Grow Our Nation Properly – With Tefillah!

 Lekh Lekha

This year, I referenced this article

and just added the following to the end (here is the last paragraph from there, with an additional sentence in bold).

Of course some of this is conjecture, but it is clear to me that people grow in time, and relationships change, and hopefully evolve for the better. The first of our forefathers and foremothers are a great example of how at all stages, people ought to be in tune to each other, and whenever and as much as possible, ought to pray that their relationship should only be growing and improving, through their own efforts and through the help of God. Whichever relationship is better – אתו or עמו, that should be achieved as well.

Certainly getting angry at someone for doing your bidding is an inappropriate response. Believing very much in the power of prayer is a tremendous maylah – a great credit to Sarai for sensing what was truly needed. Who knows? Perhaps she offered Hagar to Avraham to get him to pray for Sarai. Maybe she was hoping he’d catch a hint. If that was the case, the hint was lost on Avraham, and the rest is history.

Things played out as they did, Hagar had a son named Yishmael, and Yishmael’s descendants are viewed today as being the Arab world. Not all Arabs hate Israel, though obviously those who do, hate ALL JEWS and have gone far beyond the pale in their hatred.

May we learn from Sarah that if there is disgrace upon anyone, it may be because we haven’t prayed hard enough to have the resolution we need and hope for. May God hear our prayers and may He bless us all with peace, in our homes, in our families, among our People, and in our Holy Land.  

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