Parshat Vayigash
by Rabbi Avi Billet
After revealing himself to his brothers, Yosef tells them to go home and to tell their father that he has become an אב to Pharaoh, and an אדון to all of Pharaoh’s household, and a משל in all of the land of Egypt. Then he says to tell their father “God has placed me as an אדון for all of Egypt.”
The words presented above in Hebrew require explanation. Most of us would likely translate the word אב, for example, as a father, or a father figure. This would only make sense, however, if Pharaoh were a child-king (which isn’t impossible), or if he were insecure enough (or perhaps secure enough!) to see Yosef in that way.
Rashi (quoting Bereshis Raba) says that אב means לחבר ולפטרון, simply translated as a colleague and a patron.
Sifsei Chachamim explains that if the Midrash had simply said patron, it would imply that Yosef was above Pharaoh and could make decrees over him. Therefore he is described as a colleague as well, indicating that he has a similar power to be able to decree. Had he only been called a חבר (and not also a patron) the implication would be that he’d have to run any idea past Pharaoh before making it a rule or law. Having both titles indicates that he is a colleague, who also has similar power to Pharaoh and doesn’t need to ask permission.