Parshat Miketz
by Rabbi Avi Billet
With the exception of Binyamin, the births of all of Yaakov Avinu’s children are recorded in Parshat Vayetze, in chapter 29 and 30. Half of Yaakov’s sons (the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah and Leah’s two youngest sons) do not have a speaking role in the Torah, and typically appear as part of the Bnei Yaakov, Bnei Yisrael, Achei Dinah, Achei Yosef, etc. Even the exception to this, when Yosef brings five brothers before Pharaoh (47:2) proves the rule. Firstly, they are not even identified in the text. Secondly, none are identified as specifically speaking.
[The identities of the five are disputed: One view is that they were Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yissachar and Binyamin (Pesikta, Rashi on 47:2). The other view is that they were Zevulun, Dan, Gad, Naftali, Asher (Sechel Tov, Targum Yonatan, Rashi on Baba Kama 92a). Everyone agrees that Yehuda was NOT brought before Pharaoh, though for different reasons. Note how the second view includes Leah’s youngest son and the 4 sons of Bilhah and Zilpah]