Monday, October 17, 2011

Avoiding Hoshana Confusion - and Traffic Jams!

While the issue and suggestions are real, the tone is somewhat tongue in cheek (by design!). Please excuse in advance if you find it a little "sharp."

There is a known quote which is attributed to Albert Einstein, though others argue that it is from a "get out of addiction" guide book. insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

Every year during the Hoshanos I feel this is what we do. Everyone knows that carrying the Arba Minim around the room, following the chazzan, creates a traffic jam. Yet, somehow, the traffic jam is never resolved.

Sometimes I feel that the people in shul need a producer, or at least a choreographer in order to make things move seamlessly instead of aimlessly.

So, here are my "let's make Hoshanos move smoothly" suggestions:

  1. Let us all remember that our goal is make a personal circuit around the Bimah where the Torah is being held.
  2. Let us further remember that our circle begins and ends at our seats, NOT from the moment we get to where the chazzan began his circuit.
NOW it is quite simple. Instead of getting into the slow-mo shuffle that follows the chazzan around the room (and therefore backs up all the other participants), each of us is aiming to get our circuit done ASAP so we can get out of the line of traffic that is forming behind the chazzan.

With this in mind, we can proceed:

  1. Instead of getting in the slow-mo line, work your way around the crowd and the Bimah in order to get back to your seat. Once back at your seat, you have completed your circuit, have therefore finished your hakafah, and can finish saying the words while the other participants make their way around the room.
  2. Being at your seat makes for more room in the line. It also encourages others to be as smart as you. Once they see the slow-mo line is not for you, maybe they'll make a beeline for the sideline as did you.
May we all have enjoyable, non-traffic-jam-y Hoshana experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Followed these directions in shul this morning! Worked like a charm.
